Often I wake up and get up at night: reasons. What to do with frequent awakening and bad dream, which doctor to contact? The reasons for frequent awakening in children, and how to deal with it?

Often I wake up and get up at night: reasons. What to do with frequent awakening and bad dream, which doctor to contact? The reasons for frequent awakening in children, and how to deal with it?

The causes of poor sleep and frequent night awakenings.

Often to a neurologist or a psychiatrist, they are addressed with problems of sleep disturbance. This is mainly due to the fact that a person often wakes up at night, and then cannot fall asleep for a long time. This is due to the overexcitation of the nervous system, which is called insan. We will get acquainted with this phenomenon in the article.

I sleep badly at night, often I wake up at night: causes, features of night awakening

Most often characteristic of people who are disturbing, emotional, as well as very impressionable in life. In fact, if a person woke up, then fell asleep again, this does not threaten him with any danger. It is necessary to contact a specialist only if there is nervous excitability, loss of strength, lethargy during the day, as well as irritability and nervousness.

In other cases, there is no need to consult a doctor. In children, intermittent sleep is the norm and is not considered a disease. Because the kids have another mode of sleep and rest. They have a longer a superficial sleep, and a deep short one. If this state of affairs does not affect his condition, then there is no need to contact the pediatrician.

Many patients ask: “Why do I wake up at 3:00 in the morning and I can’t sleep for a long time”? This is not a rare complaint, it is quite common among neurologists and psychiatrists.

Features of awakening at three in the morning:

  • This is due to the fact that at about 3:00 in the night, the body temperature in a person rises to the maximum mark throughout the day
  • Therefore, a person can thus respond to an increase in temperature
  • Here, nervousness and stress have nothing to do with it. This is a physiological feature
  • You can influence the atmosphere in which sleep, and ventilate the room before going to bed
  • It is worth turning on the humidifier and sleep at a temperature of not 25 degrees, but 16 or 18
  • In such conditions, the temperature rise will not be so noticeable and at night you will stop waking up
Awakening at night
Awakening at night

People who sleep poorly and often wake up, belong to a certain category. Scientists have established that it is people of such categories that most often suffer from short sleep and frequent awakening.

Categories at risk:

  • Elderly people. Basically, they wake up for one simple reason, which often doze off during the day.
  • Women. A poor dream can be associated with hormonal disorders and certain days of the cycle.
  • Pregnant. Women often wake up in an interesting position at night because expectant mothers can have convulsions, calls to urination, as well as the movement of the baby inside the abdomen, which does not allow to fall asleep.
  • Women during menopause. Due to hormonal disorders, sweating, heat and deterioration of the general state of health are observed. Therefore, they can wake up at night and do not fall asleep for a long time.
Awakening at night
Awakening at night

Why often wake up at night: a list of diseases and a change of mode

If you are not so long ago, you wake up often at night, you cannot fall asleep, this is most likely due to a change in your daily cycle. Work until late at night and falling asleep in the middle of the night also leads to the fact that a person sleeps in small pieces and may not fall asleep for a long time. It is usually observed in people who work according to the daily schedule or for workers who work in air travel, due to the change of climatic and time zones. When restoring life, biological rhythms, usually sleep returns to normal.

Melatonin is of great importance on the process of falling asleep. This is a hormone, which is formed from the amino acid of triple and zinc in the presence of vitamin B, as well as when a person is on the street under the influence of sunlight. The fact is that melatonin contributes to deep sleep. It is necessary for good falling asleep for about 30-40 minutes to walk on the street, eat properly, take vitamin complexes with tryptophan, zinc and vitamin B. Very often awakening among the night is characteristic of people who suffer from some diseases.

I do not sleep at night
I do not sleep at night

List of ailments:

  • Arthrosis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Thyroid
  • The cardiovascular system
  • Diabetes

If, in addition to insomnia, you have dry dry mouth, heartburn or pain in your knee, you must consult a doctor. Insonia is considered a disease of modern civilization. The problem with frequent awakening at night and poor falling asleep is observed in a third of the entire population of the globe. This is due to the enhanced rhythm of life, as well as a large amount of work and stress. Therefore, if you, in addition to frequent awakening in the middle of the night, have a poor condition during the day, lethargy, drowsiness, headache, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as poor memory, you must consult a doctor. If, in addition to frequent awakening in the middle of the night, nothing bothers you, there is no need to see a doctor.

Japanese scientists have found that frequent awakening, poor sleep quality, significantly worsen the work of the cardiovascular system. They conducted studies in which 13,000 people took part and found out that among people who are poorly sleeping, there are much more common those who had a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, they recommend resting at least 6 hours a day, as well as perform certain rituals before bedtime. To avoid night awakening, because if you often wake up at night, do not sleep for a long time, this worsens the quality of sleep and significantly affects the work of the whole organism, including the heart.

In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

Which doctor to contact if you often wake up at night?

Sleep disorders are diagnosed by a somnologist. But the fact is that in small cities there is no such doctor, therefore it is necessary to contact a neurologist or a psychiatrist. The doctor determines the quality of sleep using a special study. During this manipulation, a cardiogram, encephalogram, snoring, as well as the movement of the limbs are controlled. Body temperature, pulse, and pressure are taken into account. Based on the data obtained, the doctor can set the quality of sleep and determine what diagnosis.

He does not sleep at night
He does not sleep at night

How to deal with night motives: tips

There are several rules that will help you wake up much less often and faster to fall asleep.


  • The temperature in the bedroom should exceed 18-20 degrees
  • A comfortable, quiet room and muffled light or its absence, the room should be dark
  • Before going to bed, you can not take alcohol, and also drink coffee
  • In any case, before bedtime or at night, you do not need to think of any important matters that expect you
  • This can ruin a dream, and you cannot fall asleep at all
  • Do not sleep during the day, even if you feel drowsiness, because after a little sleep, at night you will fall asleep much worse
  • Observe the optimal duration of sleep. It should be 6-8 hours
  • Remember that if you spend more than 8 hours in a dream, this can cause drowsiness
  • An hour before you go to bed, you need to turn off the computer and not watch TV
  • Just meditate, drink a cup of milk, talk with your loved one
  • Before going to bed, it is advisable to relax, take the bathroom, look after you, perform some hygienic manipulations
  • Well contributes to falling asleep herbal tea or milk with honey
  • You can take a melaxen drug half an hour before bedtime. It is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription and is a source of melatonin.

In which case is it worth going to the doctor with insomnia?

If within a month you wake up more than 4 times a week 3 times at night, and these periods between falling asleep last more than half an hour, you must consult a doctor. In no case do not acquire sleeping pills and other medications. Remember that self -medication can cause a serious disease and disguise dangerous symptoms.

Bad night sleep
Bad night sleep

Why a child often wakes up at night: reasons

Inssia is most often observed in children. The most interesting thing is that the child confuses the mode day and night. Frequent waking up can also be observed for more than 5 times a week, several times a night. Of course, such a dream exhausts parents, they turn to doctors. If the child does not find any neurological pathologies, then drug treatment is usually prescribed, massage before bedtime. But as experts themselves say, this also does not always help. Most often, parents themselves are to blame for the fact that children wake up at night.

The reasons for the awakening of children in the middle of the night:

  • Very long daytime sleep. Remember that the child should not sleep for more than 2 hours during the day. It must be woke up if he fell asleep for a long time.
  • Perhaps the child is interfered with lighting. Even if you have a small night, try to turn it off while laying the child.
  • Later laying. Children usually fall asleep in the period between 19-21 hours, and wake up in the interval of 6-8 in the morning. If the child does not lie in time, his nervous system is overexcited. Therefore, the child can fall asleep poorly or often wake up at night.
  • The child does not know how to fall asleep on his own. Many parents complain that their children do not fall asleep themselves, they need to be rocking in their hands, in a stroller, on a fitball. It is necessary to teach the child to fall asleep on your own. For this, there is a lot of literature on the topic "How to teach a child to sleep." Use the advice of experienced specialists.
  • Lack of permanent regime. Indeed, if parents have not developed a regime for their children, there is no constant time in which the child goes to bed and wakes up, there may be sleep disturbances. It is necessary to carefully look at the behavior of your child. If overexcitation or vagaries are detected, put the child to bed.
  • Strong excitement. Before going to bed you can’t have fun, go to some cultural events, run and jump. It is advisable an hour before bedtime, do something calm, play with a child with rattles, buy it in slightly warm water, make him a relaxing massage. If the child is older, you can draw with him or tell him a fairy tale.
  • Another reason for frequent waking up in a dream is discomfort or natural needs. Many children wake up from what they want to the toilet or are hungry. Perhaps the room is too hot. Be sure to adjust the temperature in the room. It should be at the level of 18-20 degrees. Before going to bed, put on clean clothes on the child and ventilate the room. The air in the room should be wet and cool. Be sure to purchase a humidifier.
The child sleeps poorly
The child sleeps poorly

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why a person often wakes up at night. With proper organization of sleep, you will be able to adjust your regime during the day, and get enough sleep at night.

Video: Frequent awakening at night

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