The lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy: causes. Can a stomach hurt in the early stages of pregnancy as with menstruation?

The lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy: causes. Can a stomach hurt in the early stages of pregnancy as with menstruation?

Why it hurts, aches, stoops the stomach, the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Why in pregnant women the stomach hurts as with menstruation.

Pregnancy is, in any case, stress for the female body. His reaction is difficult to predict. Some tolerate their new condition perfectly, others may have various problems, including pain in the abdomen.
The reasons for the appearance of such pains in expectant mothers are different, and if they arise, you need, of course, to consult a specialist who will help establish their true cause.

The first month of pregnancy and in the early stages the stomach hurts as if menstruation: causes

From the moment of fertilization of the egg and up to the birth itself in the body of the future mother, processes have occurred, which can give painful sensations. And although these sensations are not very pleasant to the future mother, neither herself nor the baby of danger.

  1. A fertilized egg moves towards the uterus and is arranged in it. The fetal egg, introduced into the endometrium, irritates or slightly damage the mucous membrane of the uterus or even a small blood vessel. From this there are minor pain, similar to those that arise before the onset of menstruation
  2. Later, in the first month of pregnancy, the hormonal background of the woman dramatically changes. In particular, progesterone is actively synthesized, including, inter alia, for the preparation of the endometrial layer to ensure that the fertilized egg is fixed in it, and the pregnancy is carried out normally. It can also cause some pain in the uterine area
  3. In the same period, the woman, in anticipation of the ligaments, gradually stretch, the condition of the spine is changing, since changes in the center of gravity of the body occur. After all, the uterus, together with the embryo located in it, not only becomes more, but also changes its position in the nutria of the body. Its bottom rises higher relative to the organs, respectively, the ligaments holding the uterus are stretched
Pain over the pubic bone shortly after the test can accompany the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.
Pain over the pubic bone shortly after the test can accompany the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Ectopic pregnancy

If a woman in the early stages constantly hurts under her navel, the pain growing in intensity, radiating in the leg, hypochondrium, rectum, gynecologist, first of all, will send it on an ultrasound to make sure that the fetal egg is where he is supposed to be in, in uterine cavities.

Necessary exclude ectopic pregnancywhich happens if the fertilized egg did not complete its passage to the uterus, but attached outside its cavity - in one of the uterine pipes, the cervix, etc. The fetal egg grows and develops, bursting out the fallopian tube. Pain syndrome develops. In the end, if you do not stop this process at the start, the overgrown of the fetal egg, exceeding the diameter of the phallopian pipe, can break it.

Pain syndrome occurs in the case of an ectopic pregnancy.
Pain syndrome occurs in the case of an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious obstetric-gynecological problem and threatens a woman’s health with a break in organs and internal bleeding.

The threat of a breakdown of pregnancy

Important: to get in the lower abdomen of the future mother can also because of the threat of miscarriage

  1. The tone of the uterus intensifies, which provokes the detachment of the fetal egg and its exile
  2. In the pregnant woman, he aches and pulls over the pubic bone, gives to the lower back. She has bloody discharge-from minor, pinkish, to bright red-scarlet
  3. If there was a suspicion of the threat of spontaneous abortion, the only decision here will be an ambulance and hospitalization. In anticipation of the arrival of an ambulance, a woman should be at rest
If a woman whose pregnancy is only a few weeks, pain, as during menstruation, and also occurs blood, the threat of miscarriage is likely.
If a woman whose pregnancy is only a few weeks, pain, as during menstruation, and also occurs blood, the threat of miscarriage is likely.

Yellow body cyst

Pain in the internal genital organs in a pregnant woman may appear due to a cyst of a yellow body.

Cysteen of the harvest body.
Cysteen of the harvest body.

The yellow body is a temporary organ that produces progesterone, its function is to maintain pregnancy, the formation of the placenta.
Sometimes it happens that the yellow body grows, its dimensions do not correspond to the norm.

This condition is called a yellow body cyst. The cyst of the yellow body does not pose a special threat to the pregnant woman, but it may not give a strong and not sharp, but pain localized in one place. With a yellow body of a pregnant woman, peace is recommended and some changes in the behavior regime that a gynecologist will tell her.

Relapses of chronic diseases

There is a trend that during the period of bearing a child in expectant mothers exacerbated those diseases with which they chronically suffered before pregnancy, and from which the lower abdomen hurts.

Chronic diseases during pregnancy often give relapse.
Chronic diseases of the abdominal organs during pregnancy often give relapse.

For example, if before she became pregnant, a woman had diseases of the digestive tract or genitourinary system, then during pregnancy or due to violations of the regime they may worsen.


Important: appendicitis is another possible cause of pain in the abdominal cavity in a woman expecting a child

Improper nutrition

Discomfort is not necessarily associated with an “interesting position”. Everyone knows the whims of the future mother in food when you want a cake, and after it - from half a bank of pickles, then sweets, and after them - shrimp. Such sharp jumps in nutrition provoke a violation of intestinal motility, flatulence, pain. In order for discomfort to leave, a woman needs to more or less balance her diet.

VIDEO: Why does the stomach hurt in the early stages of pregnancy?

Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy at night, as with menstruation?

If the expectant mother does not have chronic diseases and there were no pathologies that are coherent with the childish, in principle, she should not have pain, especially as aching and cramping as during menstruation.

Painful myometry contractions in the expectant mother can occur with excessive physical exertion.
Painful myometry contractions in the expectant mother can occur with excessive physical exertion.

Pain can occur due to the reasons described above, or at:

  • physical exertion
  • overwork
  • prolonged stay of a woman in one pose

However, there is a real reason to call an ambulance or at least call your doctor if:

  • a woman painfully feels a squeezing, pulling and aching lump in the lower abdomen
  • if discomfort intensifies both at rest (at night) and after physical overload

The cause of such sensations may be a cramping reduction in the uterus with a preparatory or spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

Important: if the uterus is hypertonicity, it is tense and hurts, regardless of the time of day. I often experience such sensations of a woman in the early days of menstruation. Starting from the second half of pregnancy, such a pathological preliminary condition must also be controlled by a doctor

Why does the lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy?

The discomfort in the lower abdomen of the woman who expects a child often arises when:

  • the uterus grows with the embryo located in it
  • overstrain the abdominal muscles
  • the growing uterus changes its position relative to other internal organs - the muscles and ligaments supporting it can stretch
    Violation and changes in the diet of a pregnant woman
  • the digestive tract is violated, constipation occurs
  • there is a threat of spontaneous abortion or childbirth ahead of schedule
  • the embryo is fixed outside the uterus
  • extrogenative inflammation occurs

Why does the stomach hurt on the left during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman hurts from the left strip of abdomen, an urgent doctor’s urgent consultation is needed.
If a pregnant woman hurts on the left side of the abdomen, an urgent doctor’s urgent consultation is needed.

In the abdominal cavity and region of the woman’s small pelvis, there is a large number of internal organs held by a corset from muscles and ligaments. This explains the fact that if pain occurs, it can not only spille on the stomach, but also localize in one place or another.

If it hurts on the left, then it is most likely given by one of the oversized ligaments that support the grown uterus. Often it is enough to relax or change the position of the body to feel good.

There is a possibility of pain on the occurrence of pain due to inflammation of organs in the pelvis and abdominal cavity:

  • left ovary
  • left appendage
  • bladder
  • left kidney

If the embryo inside the uterus is attached to the left, this sometimes leads to some pain discomfort in a woman due to cramps.

Important: in any case, it is best to ask the doctor about specifically your individual cause of such pain

Why does the stomach hurt on the right during pregnancy?

The pain on the right of the abdomen during pregnancy should be taken more seriously.
It can be the reasons:

  1. The fertilized egg was attached to the uterus on the right side, which causes painful spasms in a pregnant woman
  2. Review or pinching of muscles and ligaments supporting the pregnant uterus
  3. The child moves in the uterus on the right side, his shocks for mom sometimes be painful for her
  4. The fetal egg was implanted in the right fallopian tube (some symptoms of this: pain in the right in the abdomen, bleeding, weakness of a woman)
  5. Appendicitis
  6. Infringement of muscles and ligaments, adhesions
  7. Rupture of the cyst on the right
  8. Inflammatory processes in internal organs
If a woman has a cyst on the right ovary, she has pain from this side.
If a woman has a cyst on the right ovary, she has pain from this side.

Why does the stomach hurt as with menstruation during pregnancy at 15 - 16 weeks?

At 15 - 16 weeks from conception, toxicosis, if it was, passes. The fetus is actively developing. In a pregnant woman, in the absence of pathologies, it may hurt in the lumbar spine due to the increased load on it. The logical cause of pain similar to menstrual can be the growth of the uterus and the restructuring of the muscle-ligamentous apparatus, associated with it.

Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy in 2 trimester at 20 - 21 weeks?

In the middle of pregnancy, the belly of a future mother can hurt, again, due to natural causes. But it can also signal the varying degrees of serious problems with bearing a baby.

Physiology can be explained if the lower abdomen in a woman grabs and hurts slightly:

  • occasionally
  • when changing body position
  • when overstrain, back or legs

Perhaps there is a threat of detachment of the placenta or spontaneous termination of pregnancy if:

  • the pain syndrome is growing
  • the pain does not let go for a long time
  • she radiates to the lower back
  • there were discharge
In the second tremor, the future mother can torment painful uterine hypertonicity.
In the second trimester, the future mother can torment painful uterine hypertonicity.

Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy at 30 - 31 weeks?

At 30 - 31 weeks of pregnancy, weight and child in the womb, and, accordingly, women, increases. The load on its spine, organs and joints increases.
During this period, the stomach should not hurt, except that if a woman ate something wrong and irritated the intestines, causing flatulence.

Why does the stomach hurt as menstruation during pregnancy at 33 weeks?

Overwork, physical overload and training contractions are the causes of abdominal pain in future mothers in the last two months before childbirth.
Overwork, physical overload and training contractions are the causes of abdominal pain in future mothers in the last two months before childbirth.

Perhaps the uterus began to contract and there is a risk of premature birth.
Also, some soreness can give training contractions. To make sure everything is fine, it is better to contact a gynecologist leading pregnancy, or call an ambulance.

Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy at 35 -36 weeks?

If during this period the stomach not only hurts, but also a feeling of petrification arises, then the tone of the uterus rises, which can lead to premature childbirth.

Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy at 37 - 38 weeks?

At 37 - 38 weeks, the belly of a future mother can hurt for completely understandable reasons. Her body is preparing for childbirth, the cervix begins to gradually open. This process is accompanied by cramping aching pains. At this moment, you need to relax, take a convenient position or take a shower.

Pulling pain in the lower abdomen at 38 weeks means that the uterus is preparing for childbirth, coming in tone and relaxing.

Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy at 40-41 weeks?

Abdominal pain at 38-41 weeks suggests that it is time for a woman in the hospital.
Abdominal pain at 38-41 weeks suggests that it is time for a woman in the hospital.

The period of pregnancy has come to an end, and if a woman has a stomach hurt, she may have contractions. Contractions can be at first insignificant, with significant intervals between them. Then they become more often, and the period of time between them is reduced. Giving birth soon!

VIDEO: Signs of the beginning of childbirth. When is it time to go to the hospital?

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