Turnip dishes are delicious and healthy: the best recipes. How to prepare a salad, soup, mashed potatoes, porridge, jam, a garmal of turnips, stew with a turnip, fried turnip, baked, stuffed, chicken, meat: recipes. How to soar, cook a turnip, remove bitterness from a turnip?

Turnip dishes are delicious and healthy: the best recipes. How to prepare a salad, soup, mashed potatoes, porridge, jam, a garmal of turnips, stew with a turnip, fried turnip, baked, stuffed, chicken, meat: recipes. How to soar, cook a turnip, remove bitterness from a turnip?

The article will tell you how the turnip is useful and will offer you several recipes for its preparation.

Turnips: vitamins and beneficial properties for the body

Turnip is an original Russian and popular food product, which differs not only in heart, but also pleasant taste. Unfortunately, turnip is not so often present on modern tables and few people know that there are several varieties and varieties of this root crop that is extremely useful to humans.

Interesting: turnip - “remote relative” of cabbage and before potatoes appeared on the tables, people mostly ate turnips.

The benefits of turnip:

  • This root crop is saturated with vitamins and minerals
  • It is considered a unique turnip because it contains a substance such as “glucorafan” - it has the ability to inhibit cancer cells and is able to fight diabetes.
  • A record amount of vitamin C will be restrained in the Repe, which improves the human immune system.
  • B vitamins in the Republic help a person to improve metabolism, strengthen all body systems.
  • The Repe also has vitamin A, which positively affects the vision, condition of the hair, skin and nails of a person.
  • You can eat turnips, both in cheese and prepared form (steamed, boiled, baked).
  • Turnip is the main ingredient for the preparation of therapeutic infusions and compresses.
  • When using a turnip regularly, you take care of the digestive organs, restoring the intestinal functions and improving the stomach.
  • Turnip is a dietary product and therefore fights well with excess weight problems.
  • The root crop helps to improve all metabolic processes in the body
  • The juice of fresh root crop has several unique properties: soothing (relaxes muscles and nervous system), expecting (helps to fight sputum and easily removes mucus from the bronchi), painkillers(relieves articular pain, inflammatory pain), diuretic(helps to remove excess water from the body).
  • As compresses, fresh turnips of turnip and gruel made of boiled root crop are used.
  • Turnip is used in the treatment of seasonal colds and viral diseases.
  • You can use not only the root crop in treatment, but also the leaves of the turnips from which you can make anti -inflammatory decoctions.
The chemical composition of the turnip
The chemical composition of the turnip

How and how much to cook the turnips of readiness and to remove bitterness?

If you decide to prepare a turnip for the first time, you should know the features of its cooking, since such rules will help you make the root crop soft, tasty and prevent the presence of bitterness in ready -made dishes. The time and method of cooking turnips depends on what kind of recipe you adhere to.

How to prepare a turnip turnip:

  • Wash the root crop thoroughly running water, washing off all the remnants of the earth and dirt.
  • Remove the petiole and leaves (if any)
  • Peel the turnips

Cooking Treams in a pan:

  • Pour water into a pan and wait for its boiling
  • Lower the purified turnip into boiling water
  • Cook the root vegetable (large cut into several parts)
  • Cooking time - 25 minutes
  • If you cut the turnips finely, the cooking time is 15 minutes
  • The readiness of the root crop is checked by pricking on a knife or fork.

Cooking Turnip in a slow cooker (double boiler):

  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl (up to half)
  • Clean the purified turnip into several parts
  • Lower the pieces of root crop into boiling water
  • Keep the turnips in the "Cooking" or "War -steam" mode - 20 minutes
  • If desired, you can add spices to taste

Important: some varieties of turnips can have bitterness, which manifests itself in the preparation of dishes. This greatly spoils the taste of the time of cooking, for example, soups. It is believed that it is possible to remove bitterness from the root crop by preliminary scalding of a turnip with boiling water before cooking for 5-10 minutes.

Boiled turnips
Boiled turnips: How to cook?

Turnip salad with carrots and apple: recipe

You can diversify the daily diet of food not from cabbage and vegetables, but from turnips. The recipe for this dish is very simple, it can easily be classified as everyday dishes, extremely useful and nutritious for humans. A fresh turn salad will take you a minimum of time to cook it (no more than 5 minutes). The dish has a very juicy and fresh taste, there is no sharpness in it.

What is required for salad:

  • Turnip -2 small root crops (check the juiciness of the fruits in advance).
  • Carrot -1 or 2 pcs. (depending on your preferences, you can not add).
  • Green or sour apple -1 PC. (large)
  • Vinegar -1 tbsp. (You can use wine, apple or any other).
  • Butter -1 tbsp. (You can use sunflower, linen, sesame: Anyone that is).
  • Spices and any additives to taste
  • Lemon juice -1/2 tsp

How to do:

  • The purified turnip should be largely grated, the same is done with carrots and apple.
  • All ingredients should be poured into one large bowl
  • Bend the salad with juice and vinegar
  • Add preferred spices and oil, mix everything thoroughly with a spoon and serve.
Fresh turn salad with carrots and apple
Fresh turn salad with carrots and apple

Turnip salad with carrots and garlic: recipe

This salad has a pleasant piquant taste by adding garlic and lightness, as it consists of simple and diet ingredients.

What should be of:

  • Turnip -2 root crops
  • Carrot -2 pcs. (medium size, optional)
  • Garlic -several Zaboks according to their preferences
  • Light mayonnaise -several tbsp. (diet or not fat).
  • Lemon juice -1-2 tsp (You can not add or replace with vinegar).
  • Spices or salt in your tastes(You can add any).

How to cook:

  • All vegetables should first be cleaned from the peel, if there is damage - they are cut out.
  • Turnip and carrot rubbed on a coarse grater and poured into a salad bowl (bowl).
  • Garlic is passed through the crush or rubbed on a fine grater, added to the salad bowl.
  • Everything is flavored with juice, spices or salt (use what you like).
  • Refun a few tbsp. mayonnaise (in cases where you do not eat mayonnaise, it can be replaced with sour cream).
Salad with turnips and carrots and adding garlic
Salad with turnips and carrots and adding garlic

How to make a turnip puree soup?

Puree soup is a dish with a pleasant consistency and soft taste. You can prepare Su puree from simple ingredients, pleasing to close unusual recipe.

What do you need:

  • Turnip - 1 not large root crop
  • Carrot- 1 PC. (petite)
  • Bulb - 1 PC. (petite)
  • Zucchini -500 g (can be replaced with tsukini)
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. (not large)
  • Milk (2.5-3.2%) -250-300 ml. (any)
  • Water-150-200 ml. (focus on the consistency of the soup)
  • Salt and spices -according to their preferences

How to do:

  • For such a dish, it is best to use a sweet variety of turnips. If you are afraid that the root crop will give bitterness, first scald it with boiling water before cooking.
  • All ingredients should be chopped into cubes and put it (the amount of water and milk is indicated in the recipe).
  • Cook all the ingredients until soft (you can find out about the level of readiness by pricking it on a fork or knife).
  • In the end, everything should be chopped by a blender until a uniform consistency and only then add preferred spices to your tastes.
Turnip mashed potatoes with vegetables decorated with bread grrocks
Turnip mashed potatoes with vegetables decorated with bread grrocks

Targe turnip: recipe in a slow cooker

Surely you heard such a saying as "easier than steamed turnip." She appeared not in vain, because it really is incredibly easy to cook this root crop, especially using modern kitchen equipment and equipment.

How to do:

  • Each multicooker is equipped with an additional lid with holes or a net for cooking.
  • Turnip should be washed and peeled, cut into cubes, lay out on the grid.
  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “double boiler” mode.
  • After boiling water, keep the turnip for a couple of exactly 2 minutes, sprinkle with salt and spices when serving.
Turnip for steam in a slow cooker
Turnip for steam in a slow cooker

Porridge with a turnip in a slow cooker: how to cook?

What you need to have:

  • Water -300-350 ml. (can be replaced with milk)
  • Turnip -300-350 g (necessarily a sweet variety)
  • Rice -100-120 g (long-grained, but not steamed)
  • Butter -1-2 T.L. (you can use any)
  • Spices or sugar -optional

How to cook:

  • Fresh turnip should be cleaned and cut into small pieces.
  • After that, the root crop should be held in a pan under a closed lid in oil for several minutes (up to 10 minutes).
  • After such extinguishing, the root crop should become soft and it can be easily drunk.
  • The stewed turnip is poured into a saucepan, rice is poured and water is poured, the porridge is cooked until rice is ready, and if desired, you can add any salty or sweet spices.
  • You can serve such porridge with a piece of oil

Important: you can cook such porridge with a turnip on water or on milk.

Porridge with turnip from rice cereal
Porridge with turnip from rice cereal

Turnip baked in the oven with cheese: how to cook?

What do you need:

  • Turnip -1 root crop (medium size)
  • Broth -1 cup (you can use any: vegetable, meat, chicken).
  • Fat cheese -50 g (Russian 45-50%suitable)
  • Cream -100-120 ml. (fatty 25-35%)
  • Sour cream -100 g (fat 25-30%)
  • Flour -1-2 tsp
  • Any spices to taste


  • Turnip should first be boiled in slightly salted water to a soft state. To do this, the purified turnip must be cut into small slices.
  • Put pieces of turnips in a baking dish and fill it with abundantly cheese.
  • On the stove, weld pouring from broth and cream with flour, thoroughly knead the whisk for a homogeneous state.
  • Add butter and sour cream to such a filling (already slightly cooled), finished with filling with a turnip.
  • Send the shape to the oven and keep the dish there until the bride is formed (enough for about 20-25 minutes at medium temperatures 160-180 degrees).
Baked melon under cheese
Baked melon under cheese

How to make a turnip jam?

Important: there is an opinion that turnip jam is not just a delicious workpiece, but also very useful.

How to prepare:

  • Root crop should be cleaned of the peel
  • Cut the turnip into several parts
  • The pulp of the turnips should be soaked (first use cold salted and then hot water - this will help remove bitterness).
  • Then the slices of the turnips should be poured into a bowl and covered with a mixture of water and honey (1 to 4). Pay attention to the fact that the liquid completely covers the turnip.
  • After that, put this container (with honey syrup) on the fire and cook, fastening it to a weak state.
  • Bring a turnip should be brought to three times
  • Then drain the syrup and transfer the pieces of root crop into another saucepan.
  • Pour the turnip with honey so that it covers the root crop with 3-4 fingers.
  • Bring the jam to a boil and after that you can preserve the workpiece.
  • Put the honey turnips in jars of honey slices, filling with spices (for example: cloves, vanilla, muscat, cinnamon or ginger).
Spicy turnip in honey: workpiece
Spicy turnip in honey: workpiece

How to cook a turnip from a turnip?

What you need to have:

  • Turnip -the pulp per 1 kg.
  • Butter -50-60 g.
  • Sugar -0.5-1 tsp
  • Salt -a couple of a pinch

How to cook:

  • Rinse the turnips with running water
  • Clean the turnips from the skin
  • Cut the turnips with slices
  • Pierce slices into a pan and pour them with water
  • Bring to a boil
  • Add a little salt and sugar
  • Cook to a soft state
  • Drain the water, sprinkle with spices (herbs, spices)
  • Serve as a side dish (it goes well with meat)
Garnish from turnip
Garnish from turnip

Vegetable stew with a turnip: recipe

What is required:

  • Turnip pulp -400-500 g (preferably sweet)
  • Potatoes -1 kg. (any variety: white, yellow, pink)
  • Cabbage -400-500 g (white, coarsely chopped)
  • Onion -1-2 pcs. (small)
  • Tomato (or tomato paste) -several fruits (or several spoons).
  • Carrot -1-2 pcs. (medium)
  • A handful of cloves of garlic -according to preferences
  • Meat (pork or beef) -400 g (you can make lean stew).
  • Spices (laurel, dried herbs or mixtures of peppers)

How to cook:

  • The turnips must be cleaned in advance and cut into slices, then scald with boiling water.
  • You can simmer vegetables in a slow cooker or in a saucepan. If you prepare the stew with meat, it should be cut into cubes and fry a little in oil.
  • After that, the meat is poured into a saucepan, vegetables are added to it (preferably chopped in the same way).
  • Tomato paste and water are poured (you can use the broth), spices are placed.
  • Stew the dish for approximately 40-60 minutes.
Vegetable stew with turnip
Vegetable stew with turnip

How to cook fried turnips?

What is required:

  • Turnip -1 head of the root crop
  • Onion -1 large head
  • Spices to taste
  • A piece of butter

How to cook:

  • Turnip should be washed and cleaned
  • It must be cut into small slices
  • Pierce the grip of turnips into a saucepan and pour water
  • Cook the turnip after boiling water for approximately 3-4 minutes.
  • After that drain the water
  • Heat the oil and throw a turnip at the pan
  • Sake root crop with spices at will
  • Fry to ruddy and golden color
Frying slices of turnips
Frying slices of turnips

How to cook stuffed turnip?

What do you need:

  • Turnip -several small root crops
  • Meat or chicken minced meat -200-300 g. (From any meat).
  • Onion -1 head (small)
  • Spices at your discretion
  • The cheese is hard, fat -50 g (any)
  • Garlic -1-2 tooth

How to cook:

  • Pumpkin heads should be washed and cleaned
  • Fold the heads in a large pan and pour water
  • Water should be pretty salt
  • Cook the heads for 15-20 minutes on a moderate heat
  • After that, cool the turnip slightly
  • Spoon out the middle (pulp) rep
  • Chop the onion, mix with meat and season
  • Pour the turnover with ready -made turnout and cover with a piece of cheese
  • Fold the turnips on the baking sheet and send it to the oven
  • The head of the head follows about half an hour at temperatures at 180-190 degrees.
Stuffed turnip
Stuffed turnip

How to make a turnip turnip in a pot? How to cook meat turnip?

What you need to have:

  • Chicken (meat of any part, you can use any other meat) -600-700 g (well use fillet).
  • Turnip -200-250 g. Cornage pulp
  • Sweet pepper -1 PC.
  • Onion -1 head (small)
  • Tomato paste -1-2 tbsp. (you can not add)
  • Fatute sour cream -200-250 l. (25-30%)
  • Garlic -1-2 teeth (according to their taste preferences)
  • Spices at will

How to cook:

  • Cut the turnips and pepper slices (the same size), chop the onion coarsely.
  • Cut the breast or chicken meat with proportional vegetables with cubes.
  • Put the vegetables on a hot pan with butter and fry for several minutes (the first gold crust should appear-this is 5-6 minutes).
  • After that, add the meat to the pan and pass them with the rest of the ingredients for 3-5 minutes.
  • Pour all the ingredients into pots, pour them with water (it should cover vegetables and meat).
  • Add tomato paste and spoon of sour cream, spices and slightly crushed garlic on top.
  • In the oven, hold pots at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for 20 minutes, and then 10-15 minutes, declining the level to 50-60 degrees.
Kurita Turnip Recipe in pots
Kurita Turnip Recipe in pots

How to cook turnip dishes for children?

Turnip puree:

  • Not a large turning head should be washed and cleaned
  • Cut the turnips with slices and boil in salted water
  • Cooking time-20-25 minutes
  • Drain the water, and pour pieces of turnips into a glass of blender
  • Pour the turnip (it will take about 2 minutes)
  • Perewill ready -made butter

Soup with a turnip:

  • Turnip should be washed and cleaned
  • Finely cut the turnips with cubes
  • Scald with boiling water, let it stand for several minutes (in boiling water).
  • After that, send a turnip to a pan (with boiling water or broth)
  • Add grated carrots, chopped onions (you can zucchini, colored cabbage, broccoli).
  • Salt the soup and season to taste

Important: you should prepare a turnip for children in a multicooker, baking or cooking.

Video: "10 unique healing properties of turnips three methods of preparing steamed turnips 7 recipes of turnips"

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Comments K. article

  1. wonderful recipes. Only last year we began to sell a turnip. Now there are recipes. I will cook. Thanks a lot!

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