Badyaga 911 - ointment, powder, gel, cream: instructions for use, composition, form of release, dosage, indications, contraindications, side effects, reviews. How to use the drug Badyag 911, apply ointment, how to use it of pregnant women?

Badyaga 911 - ointment, powder, gel, cream: instructions for use, composition, form of release, dosage, indications, contraindications, side effects, reviews. How to use the drug Badyag 911, apply ointment, how to use it of pregnant women?

The Badyag has long been used to eliminate bruises, swelling, cosmetic problems. Find out how to use this tool, what are its side effects, contraindications.

Badyaga 911 is a drug that is made of microorganisms (sponges). The composition of the sponges includes silicon. The main habitat of these fauna representatives are fresh reservoirs. In the pharmaceutical industry, only powder of these organisms is used. It is processed with a special technological method. In pharmacy points, not only ointments, creams, but also powders, and tablets with this substance are found.

The ointment is used for medical purposes and in cosmetology. Most often, the drug is taken for the treatment of radiculitis, bruises, bruises, etc. More ointments, gels contribute to the correction of cosmetic shortcomings on the skin.

Badyaga 911: Composition, release form

The substance can be bought in the form of powder for the preparation of cosmetic masks. It can also be part of various means, such cream, ointment, gel.

  • Baddyag powder It is produced in the form of fine-grained substance of dirty green color. Pour it into paper bags of 2.5-10 g.
  • IN gel In addition to the main component, there are also substances such as glycerin, fragrance, gel -like remedy, water, armor -field, tretanolamine. The drug is produced in tubes of 50-100 g.
  • Badyaga Forte In its composition, the plantain, yarrow has additional components. The cream in tubes is produced - 75 g. It consists of purified water, Lanolin, Starin, Stiarat, the Extract of the Indian Korus, the germ of wheat, the essential oil of grapefruit, the turn, wax.
  • Ointment with calendula It is produced in tubes of 50 grams. Its composition contains calendula, badgyag, menthol, horse chestnut.
Badyaga is super
Badyaga is super
  • Badyaga 911 - Sold in tubes of 100 grams. The content of the ingredients in it is the most diverse. There is chamomile, mint, tea tree oil, juniper, arnik, horse chestnut.

All of the above drugs, practically equally affects the elimination of joint pain, have the therapeutic effect with various bruises, are effective for cosmetic problems on the epidermis.

Badyaga 911: Indications for use

The drug has an irritating effect when applied to the skin. As a result, blood circulation improves in the epidermis, inflammatory processes are eliminated.

Badyag 911 is used:

  1. As an analgesic after blows, bruises, injuries.
  2. To eliminate bruises of hematomas, infiltrates that formed as a result of inflammatory processes on the skin.
  3. To eliminate cones after injections.
  4. For cosmetic purposes, to eliminate pigment spots, wrinkles.
  5. Until the elimination of acne and black dots on oily skin.
  6. The drug is indispensable in the fight against seborrhea.
  7. Ointments, creams, gels are used for therapeutic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other pathologies associated with diseases of bone tissues, joints.
The use of the badgers
The use of the badgers

Badyaga ointment 911: How does it work?

The Badyagu 911 includes the remains of the sponge, or rather the needles of silica, which are fastened to each other spongings. When the ointment is applied to the skin, there is stimulation of blood flow. Due to which pains are eliminated, inflammation undergoes. The product effectively cleanses the epidermis cells from old skin layers, eliminates acne, acne, pigment spots.

If you regularly use the Baddyag 911, then the synthesis of tissues will be accelerated, which are responsible for the redox process. Thanks to this, the elasticity of the skin will improve, wrinkles will decrease and problems with skin tonality will be eliminated. Creams, Baddyag -based gels, work only in the application zone, they are not able to penetrate the bloodstream, which reduces the risks of the manifestations of side effects on the body.

Baddyag ointment 911: Instructions for use

The drug accelerates the hematoma healing process by 3-6 times, thanks to it small scars are absorbed, increased oily shine on the skin, pigment spots are eliminated. With the help of it, you can get rid of hematomas, abscesses.

  • Badyaga 911 has a bactericidal, antimicrobial, vasodilating effect. Thanks to the gel, tissue regeneration is activated, the manifestation of allergenic reactions is eliminated. It is used for the body, face.
  • Ointment with horse chestnut helps to eliminate edema, effective for strengthening blood vessels, saves from bruises, varicose manifestations. Apply it directly to the affected places. Runge carefully, keep on the skin for about 30 minutes. Then rinse the remnants of the product with warm water with napkins. Do the procedure about 3 times a day.

Baddyaga ointment 911 - how to apply, apply: face recipes

To remove acne on the face, just apply the cream to problem areas for 24-30 minutes, then rinse. After the procedure, it is allowed to go outside only after 2 hours. Repeat the procedure from 6 to 9 times.

Contact procedures Whitening the skin of the face is made with cream, Baddyaga 911. To do this, it is enough to apply the product to the face once a week. After the process, use the nutrient.

Stretches on the skin Remove with a gel mixed with olive oil in the same quantities. The composition will be effective if you wrap the problem areas for 45 minutes with a film.

Ointment from bruises, bruises
Ointment from bruises, bruises

It is enough to continue the course of therapy for three weeks. If the wrap is not very effective, then after 15 days of the break it needs to be repeated.

IMPORTANT: If the bruise is very close near the eye, then do not keep the ointment on the skin for more than fifteen minutes.

Badyaga 911: Contraindications, how to take pregnant women?

All dosage forms based on the badgers can be used to pregnant, nursing mothers. The active components of the product do not penetrate inside, they act only on the surface. Therefore, it does not pose any danger to the child.

However, in pregnant women, the sensitivity of skin tissues is higher than in other patients, therefore, allergenic reactions can appear.


  1. You can not use drugs with a Badyaga patients who have violations of the integrity of the skin.
  2. It is not recommended to use funds for the treatment of children.
  3. Do not use to use a product with a badger, persons prone to allergies to the components of components.
  4. Do not use the Baddyag 911 with excessive hair growth on the body.
  5. Ointments and other Baddyag -based drugs cannot be used by patients with a bacterial, fungal infection, an allergic reaction on the skin.
  6. Do not use the Baddyag 911 for any neoplasms of benign, malignant origin.
  7. Preparations with a baddy cannot be used to care for skin tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelids. They must be mandatory with olive oil.
  8. In order to not fail in the work of the heart rhythm, it is not applied in the form of a mask in the neckline.
Badyaga - contraindications
Badyaga - contraindications

IMPORTANT: When apply a Badium 911 near the mucous membranes, be careful. In no case do not allow her to fall into wounds or eyes.

Badyaga 911: side effects

As a rule, drugs with a baddy have a pronounced irritable effect on the patient's skin. Visually, this manifests itself in the form of redness. A burning sensation is still possible.

If the use of drugs and cosmetic drugs provokes the manifestations of rash, itching, urticaria, then we must abandon them.

Side effects
Side effects

Long -term use, non -compliance with the instructions for the drug causes the skin of the skin in patients. With such a thoughtless technique, the funds can develop the risk of developing other skin diseases.

If the medicine based on the badgers is taken with other drugs for internal use, this will not affect their effects on the human body. But with other creams, ointments and gels Bodyaguag 9111 is undesirable.

Bodyaga 911: User reviews

In general, users respond positively about ointments and other Baddyag -based products. The only thing that you need to test cream before use. To do this, just apply a small layer of the product to the bend in the elbow. If irritation does not appear within 30 minutes, then you can use.

Ivan, 34 years old

I used to use powder to get rid of bruises. Now I began to use the ointment. Use is much better. I noticed that it acts faster. The pain from the bruise takes place within a few hours.

Anna, 39 years old:

For a long time I did not know how to get rid of age spots on my face. A friend advised to take advantage of the Badyaga 911. After application, she noticed that the spots became not so noticeable.

Galina, 36 years old:

My sons often use Badyaga 911. If you apply the cream immediately after the hematoma appears, then subsequently the bruise may not form. If you use it from wrinkles, from age spots, then the effect is minimal. For such purposes, I use other cosmetics, they are more effective.

So, let's summarize. Badyaga 911, in general, a good inexpensive remedy for hematoma, from joint pain, from acne, dark spots on the skin. But you need to use it carefully, observing all the recommendations in the instructions.

Video: Badyaga - Instructions for use

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