13 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

13 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

This article will talk about 13 lunar days.

The last days of the lunar phase in front of its “peak”, that is, the full moon, cause some fears for many. Moreover, the mystical number “13” makes its own adjustments. Therefore, we want to make out in this material 13 lunar days in order to properly prepare for their meeting.

What are 13 lunar days: a complete characteristic

  • This is really an unusual, mystical and even mysterious day in everything. As if the Universe on this day decides to remind us of the existence of other dimensions, other worlds and that the border between these worlds is sometimes very light and fragile.
  • This is especially acute by people gifted with unusual abilities. On this day, new knowledge and new skills are more often revealed to them. But people with ordinary abilities are often Feel the mystical influence of this day.
  • There is a feeling of a surge of strength and energy, the need to commit actions and conquer the heights that he had only dreamed of before. At the same time, confidence comes that it will work out today, everything will become affordable, simple and easy. Here are just some differences in this amazing day. With one phrase this day can be described as Transition to a new level of spiritual development.
The wheel acts as symbols
The wheel acts as symbols
  • And if all the previous days from the beginning of the lunar month have passed safely, if you followed the general recommendations on how to best conduct them and correctly used lunar energy, then this transition will be the natural completion of your spiritual rebirth. And everything that happens today will be complete energy reboot,after which you will be capable of great things with double energy.
  • Symbol 13 lunar day - wheel.Become on this day a wheel, desperately flying forward. And already the Universe will take care of removing all the obstacles from your path. Do not stop and do not be afraid - you will definitely be able to achieve the goal. The energy reboot that happened before that will give you the strength!
  • Also bold You can go on the road- Today is the perfect time to start any trip. In general, everything that has the shape of a circle has the strongest energy on this day. Therefore, it’s nice to pay tribute to all the round - wheels, fountains, dome.
  • However, purchases are worth making on this day. Only if necessary and not very large.
  • But the negative impact of this day is possible when suddenly Old and seemingly long -forgotten problems pop up. It is possible that unpleasant people from the past will appear. The consequences will depend on how you react to this. You just need to panic, but calmly let them pass by. There will be no reaction - there will be no subsequent problems.

Main characteristics

  • Additional symbols are disk and snake swallowing its tail,and also any round objects.
  • The stone of this day - noble opal and ruby.It is desirable that he be with you on this day. Any amulet in the form of a circle will also bring good luck.
  • Successful colors for this lunar segment are All shades of blueking, especially cornflower, sapphire, indigo and ultramarine.
  • The element of this time - wood.
  • The patron angel is the day Orgus - True friend. It is he who is responsible for all earthly relations and friendly relations. He gives us moral stamina and endurance, as well as thinking and memory.
Any circle will bring good luck today
Any circle will bring good luck today

Work and business for 13 lunar days

  • This day - The ideal time for business and any work process. You will get everything! Any important negotiations, conclusions of contracts, hiring new employees - everything will have a positive result.
    • According to astrologers, if it was on this day that a person first began working on some new project or went to work in a new company, he will be inevitable success and rapid promotion through the career ladder.
  • 13 lunar days are especially favorable for creative, gifted personalities, On this day, they feel a special surge of strength and inspiration. And their works of art will be endowed with an unusual divine force that affects the spiritual development of people. Many musical works, canvases of artists, creations of sculptors, works of writers and poets created, begun or completed on this day, will become true masterpieces of art and will live for centuries.
  • On this day, you should not sit calmly and wait for alms from the universe. Be determined, stubborn, persistent in achieving goals, feel free to take up a new business and do not stop halfway. Sometimes insight comes a little later than a person intuitively begins to act. On this day, the Universe encourages any active actions and helps us!
  • Business meetings, business trips are also favorable, especially if they are creative and They have noble goals.
  • This day is open to any new knowledge, for the assimilation of any information received from the outside. To transmit the teacher’s knowledge to his students, as well as for joining various societies.
Great day for undertaking
Great day for undertaking

How do the 13 lunar day affect health?

  • This period should be taken care of health. Think about what to look for or correct in your body, which doctor to visit. The weak body of the day is blood, which spreads throughout the body. And since there is a reboot of the body's resources, this day is created to adjust your lifestyle and the treatment of even old ailments.
  • The phase is favorable To visit the dentist.Even if your teeth do not hurt, prevention will never hurt.
  • The day is very favorable for massages and various preventive procedures. Try not to get anything on this day, so the disease can drag on for a long time.
  • He is also favorable for meditation, For any undertakings, changes and positive changes in life. On this day, you can safely give up smoking, start playing sports, daily runs, sitting on a diet - you will certainly succeed!
  • On this day, you can safely take part in abundant feasts and not deny yourself anything. There are no restrictions on food or drink,but still, you should not abuse. At the same time, you must pray before eating - this you give your energy to the universe and replenish its stocks from food. Moderate drinking of alcohol is also allowed.
A favorable day
A favorable day to adjust health and the whole organism

Marriage and relationship on 13 lunar day

  • A marriage concluded on this day will be stable and harmonious.It is especially favorable for people working in the field of science engaged in some developments, discoveries, and the introduction of new technologies.
    • Astrologers also recommend marriage on this day to those who are in the way of some cardinal changes. For example, the end of study at a university, completion of work on a dissertation, a transition to a new position. Such a marriage will be supported by the powerful forces of the universe.
  • In addition, 13 days - This is the age of the mature of the moon,which patronizes the middle -aged couples, who decided to create a family union. So at any age, you can safely go to the registry office that day - a happy family life awaits you!
  • Sexon this day it can be long and with elements of novelty. Trust your intuition and intuition of a partner. On this day, everything that will bring mutual joy, pleasure and tenderness to each other will be allowed. To finish sex well with mutual relaxing massage.
On this day, you can make marriages at any age!
On this day, you can make marriages at any age!

Birth and conception for 13 lunar days

  • Not a very favorable day for conception. People conceived on this day will have a calm life and a relatively prosperous fate in only one case - if they will constantly do good and help people. Otherwise, they will find an unhappy fate and eternal problems. The best professions for conceived personalities on this day are a doctor, teacher, priest.
  • Born on this day They are doomed to eternal wanderings in search of new knowledge and the meaning of life. They are one of those who say "not from this world." In childhood and in youth, these people are prone to various diseases, but if they manage to survive this period, they live to a very old age.
  • 13 lunar days endow them incredible wisdom,which is important to direct in the right direction. Also, such personalities often act as discoverers,since they are always trying to gain new knowledge. They are attracted by unknown, secret and mystical. Therefore, navigators, archaeologists or scientists are often obtained from them.

Can I cut your hair for 13 lunar days?

  • On this day it is not just possible, but you even need to cut your hair. After all, this will accelerate their growth, stop the loss and help them improve their health. But such a procedure will improve the work of all organs, especially the urinary system, and change your life for the better.
  • But it is better to refrain from dyeing hair on this day!
Pay attention to the details!

What are dreams of 13 lunar days?

  • Try to remember and solve dreams, Which you will see for 13 lunar days - this is simply necessary to solve all your life problems. It is better if you resort to the help of a specialist in this. Although you can use the dream book, and better several copies.
  • But Pay attention to any details,indeed, on this day, dreams often prophetic and suggest your further deeds. Also, this phase can illustrate some echoes and images from the past that caused the current state of affairs. And changing them, you will pull the changes in your life.
  • That's why Pay attention to images, sensations after sleep, to the very meaning.And be sure to use the knowledge provided to change your life for the better. After all, this day is given to us to degenerate!

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